16 Big Ways to Enjoy Large Properties and the Best Furniture to Make Them Better


by Vicki Nemeth

Land! The dream! A large property is a great place to get outside this summer. If you have a big piece of land, or are checking one out, consider these 16 things to do on it and furniture suggestions.


Foothills with coniferous trees in front of the Rockies


Keep in mind that outdoor activities can be dangerous and make sure you understand the risks to yourself, others and animals before trying anything.

This is the first part of a four-part series on getting outside with outdoor furniture.

  1. Trek on paths or trails

    Walking, running and cycling can take you across your whole property and beyond. This is a great opportunity to add rest stops throughout the property. If your winters get cold enough, you can snowshoe or cross-country ski and use that furniture all year.


    Handcrafted poly vinyl octagon picnic table from Amish Furniture Factory

  2. Perform history reenactments

    You may have a designated area with no new furniture allowed. On the other hand, people taking a break or watching from a distance could benefit from seating or shade stations of tables with umbrellas. A poly vinyl trash can encourages your guests to keep the area clean.

    Handcrafted poly vinyl trash can in green from Amish Furniture Factory

  3. Keep an orchard or vineyard

    If you’re planning to pass your property to your children or grandchildren, a vineyard will become more valuable as it ages. Fruit trees also take several years to mature. While managing these large parcels of land, you could benefit from several benches dotting the property, or picnic tables with umbrellas for shade stations.

  4. Pick berries, wild apples or chestnuts

    Or whatever easily recognizable wild food grows on your property. Remember to research how to recognize wild edibles safely, wash everything and take extra precautions if your region has big animals.

    Once you get home with your bounty, you may find a picnic or patio table outside the kitchen useful for sorting and washing them.

    Wild apples tend to be very tart and are better for apple pie than other kinds.



    A wild apple or crabapple hanging on a branch and surrounded by leaves

  5. Swim or wade in your pond, creek, lakefront or mud hole

    There’s no better way to cool off than to lounge by the water or play around with friends. Wood with shade umbrellas could be the coolest seating or picnic table on very hot days. If it’s a mud hole, polyvinyl is probably the best furniture to keep nearby. Every once in a while you can bring it to the house and hose it off.

    The Fireside Rustic 6 Gun Cabinet from Amish Furniture Factory

  6. Hunting

    Once you understand the local wild game laws, hunting can be a way to enjoy your whole property and vary your diet. Remember to use your weapons and tools safely, and store them in a locked place inside such as a gun cabinet.

  7. Target practice

    You need space to shoot targets safely. You may find that seating behind the shooting area would be a pleasant way to hang out, especially if you and your friends take turns. Remember to bring your weapons in and lock them up when you’re finished.

  8. Paintball

    The cool thing about paintball is you can use anything in the environment for terrain. Don’t throw away your old furniture when you plan to replace it; use it for paintball terrain and shelters. If you’re looking for new pieces, you might want to stick with polyvinyl near the border of your paintball area.

  9. Mudding

    Mudding is driving through boggy mudholes with vehicles meant to handle rough terrain, to admire their power and get dirty in the process. If you have spectators, throw a few poly vinyl chairs in the back of your truck for temporary seating. Some even fold when you’re done.

  10. Ride vehicles through your terrain

    Four wheelers, snowmobiles, and about a dozen other vehicles could get you out and riding around your property. So can picnic tables and places to hang out.

  11. Allow scientists to create ecological restoration projects on your property

    Your local ecology center may be reintroducing animals, trees or pollinators to the area and could appreciate using your land. Some animals, like beavers, drastically change the water bodies and forests in the area, so you need enough space to know they won’t affect your buildings, kids or animals.



    A beaver couple

  12. Join a conservation program

    Some conservation programs are an easier commitment than a farm or sanctuary, and involve signing up and promising to only cut your most abundant or invasive species of trees. Some can save you money on property taxes.

  13. Walk the dog or let it run off the leash

    Numerous factors go into whether you can let your dog run off-leash, or let it play outside when you’re at work. The size of your dog, the kind of animals that might live on or pass through your property, and the weather all factor in. With smart home technology, you can create gates with timers that let your pets out at certain times.

    The Glacier Country Pet Feeder is a handcrafted bowl stand, plus we send bowls too. From Amish Furniture Factory

    A handcrafted pet bed will give your dog somewhere to rest after all that running around, while pet bowls with handcrafted stands will last through many omnomnoms.

  14. Run a hobby farm

    Popular small farm animals include chickens, goats, rabbits, ducks and geese. You may prefer to keep small groups of larger animals like heritage breed cattle, donkeys, ponies or horses.

    A chicken, a rooster, and several chicks pecking at the ground together

    Don’t take this idea lightly! Running a hobby farm could be as much work as an animal sanctuary. It’s like another job and you need a lot of spare cash for the vet. But on your breaks, you can sit on your porch swing with a cup of coffee watching the horses.


    The Montana Porch Swing from Amish Furniture Factory

    As a tip for goats, they like to climb. So you can give them your old outdoor furniture to play on after you replace it with new things.

  15. Run an animal sanctuary

    Have enough space to let a large number of animals run? Maybe you could take in some rescues.

    Not everyone can take care of a large number of animals. It costs a lot of money both in regular expenses and medical surprises. You need to build the right enclosures and shelters, keep the temperature safe and make sure you have the licensing.



    A woman taking a selfie with a miniature donkey, seen from behind

    You also have to study the right ways to care for your animals, and network with experts like the right kind of vet for your specific type of animals. Sheltering animals is a huge commitment, but it will certainly get you out of the house!

  16. Horseback riding

    Owning enough land to take care of horses properly is a major step in life. Taking care of and riding horses is a huge responsibility.

    A couple riding horses down a pathway in angled sunlight

    If you have a ranch, consider dotting it with picnic tables for rest stops throughout the property. You can also relax and watch horses graze if you build places to sit facing your paddocks and fields, such as a rocking chair on your porch.

A large property is a big opportunity to do big things. Hopefully you can get out a lot this summer.

Have a more average-sized yard? Check back Saturday for suggestions on getting out in your backyard and enjoying your neighbors.

What have you done outside on a large property? Comment below.

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