Can the Amish Drink Beer? Are They Allowed to Drink Alcohol?

Like many religious groups, the Amish have unique beliefs and practices in which several reasonable factors and bible verses back up each rule. While one may think that since Jesus drank wine based on various bible stories, drinking alcohol is probably okay for them – or is that not the case? Can Amish drink beer?

The Amish people generally do not drink alcohol, including beer and hard liquor, as they view it as a worldly temptation that can lead to drunkenness and other harmful behavior. However, there may be variations in beliefs and practices between different communities and families.

In this article, we delve into the cultural and religious beliefs of the Amish and explore the answer to the age-old question: Can Amish drink beer?

The Amish Community on Drinking Alcohol

Most Amish churches adhere to strict religious beliefs prohibiting the Amish people from drinking alcohol, as they view it as a form of temptation that can lead to sinful behavior.

However, rules on drinking alcohol and other vices can vary among different Amish communities and individuals.

Can Amish drink alcohol in general?

Some Amish drink alcohol in moderation, while others may abstain completely. Some Amish people drink alcohol for medicinal purposes, like homemade dandelion wine, while others may prohibit it altogether.

The Amish person’s choice of drinking alcohol or not roughly depends on several factors – the group they belong to, the purpose behind it, or the Rumspringa, the period in their youth life when they can do whatever they want to test the waters outside their Amish country. 

Can the Amish kids drink alcohol on Rumspringa?

Rumspringa is a period in Amish culture when Amish young people are allowed greater freedom to explore the world outside of their community and decide whether to remain within the Amish faith or to leave it.

It is often portrayed in popular culture as when Amish youth engage in activities such as drinking, partying, and other “wild behavior.”

While it is true that some Amish youth may choose to use tobacco or drink alcohol during Rumspringa, this is not a universal practice and is not condoned nor encouraged by the Amish church.

The Amish do not view Rumspringa as a time to rebel against their beliefs but rather as a time for young Amish kids to decide whether they wish to remain in the Amish faith or to leave it.

Furthermore, Rumspringa is not a defined period, and its length and activities can vary widely among different Amish communities and families.

Some communities may place more restrictions on the young people during this time, while others may allow more freedom.

Ultimately, the decision to drink alcohol or use tobacco during Rumspringa, or to engage in any other behavior, is left up to the individual and their family.

Do Amish people give up alcohol drinking when they join the church?

When an Amish teenager joins the church, they publicly declare their faith and commitment to the Amish way of life.

This declaration includes pledging to follow the Ordnung, a set of religious and church rules that govern all aspects of Amish life, including dress, behavior, and interaction with the outside world.

Abstaining from alcohol use is one of the expectations outlined in the Ordnung, and Amish individuals are expected to uphold this expectation throughout their lives as Amish community members.

Alcohol Consumption Rules for Old and New Order Amish

The Old Order Amish and New Order Amish are subgroups of the Amish community.

While both groups share many similarities, some significant differences exist, like their use of technology, plain clothing or brighter colored fabrics, church structure and organization, community/family life structure, and alcohol use.

Old Order Amish and Alcohol

The Old Order Amish, considered the original division, is the more prominent sect of the Amish religious group. They are the largest population-wise.

In general, Old Order groups allow alcohol use in moderation. Since it was mentioned in the bible countless times, they don’t see any reason to prohibit it entirely.

Some Old Order Amish people even make beers, ciders, and wines in their homes or barns. Unlike many English folks, however, most Old Order Amish drink alcohol on special occasions, such as celebrating weddings.

No Old Order Amish member can be seen drinking alcohol in public places such as bars. They usually drink alcohol privately, like inside their homes, to avoid judgment due to the social stigma attached to alcohol use.

New Order Amish and Alcohol

The New Order Amish, with the largest population residing in Holmes County, strictly prohibit alcohol.

Even for medicinal purposes, alcohol use is still up for debate in many, if not all, New Order Amish groups.

The New Order Amish churches may be more relaxed regarding their congregation’s use of modern technology and plane travels.

However, they are stricter on things that can be dangerous to the body, such as alcohol and tobacco use.

Since the New Order Amish adults are more focused on spreading their faith and participating in missions, they always see that standing as the more conservative Amish group would appeal more positively to potential converts. 

The New Order Amish church leaders strongly emphasize community and family values and prioritize their members’ well-being and spiritual health.

Hence, any behaviors or practices viewed as harmful or disruptive to the health and society are strictly forbidden and highly discouraged, even if they are not explicitly mentioned in the Ordnung or other guidelines.

True Stories of Amish Men and Alcohol

There’s a report from NBC News that in September 2019, Trumbull County sheriff’s deputies saw an Amish man and an underaged Amish teen drinking beer while riding in the back of a horse and buggy.

According to the article, they quickly ran off when the cops pulled them over.

After searching the buggy, they found multiple open alcohol containers. According to the 17-year-old, one of the two Amish men who ran off, they were heading to a party the night the police officers pulled them over.

Since he had drunk ten or eleven beers and was still considered a minor, he knew he would get into big trouble.

However, compared to English communities, alcohol abuse in the Old Order Amish communities is less common.

Everyone believes that the Amish’s strong faith and religious ties may help them find the support they need once they resort to alcohol abuse.

One great example is Moses, an Amish person who got sober in 1947 with the help of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Excessive Drinking According to the Bible

The Bible does not condemn drinking alcohol, but it does warn against the dangers of excess and encourages Christians, including the Amish, to drink in moderation and consider how their actions may impact others.

The following are some key passages from the Bible:


Generally speaking, the entirety of the Amish religious group has no unified hard-bound specific rule on the Amish’s alcohol use.

When talking about the consumption of alcohol, the Old Order Amish sees nothing wrong with allowing alcohol since Jesus did it according to the bible.

However, since the bible warns against excessive drinking, the Old Order Amish members know the limitations.

The New Order Amish, who already drew a hard line between them and alcohol, considers any form of alcoholic drink a harmful substance that endangers the drinker’s well-being.

They also see it as something that may corrupt them and threaten their religious standing and beliefs. 

While both points are reasonable, it’s an important factor to consider that the decision to drink alcohol or not is all up to each Amish person and to which community he belongs. 

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