Can You Learn Woodworking? 5 Steps to Success




Woodworking is an ancient skill that is still alive and well today. It is no accident that it has endured the test of time. Wood remains one of the most versatile and durable materials on the planet. Thanks to the growing interest in the environment and all things eco-friendly, renewable resources such as wood have taken on a new importance.


Woodworking Will Always Be in Style


One undeniable fact about woodworking is that it will never go out of style. The artistry and beauty of woodworking is such that this craft will always be both practical and have a place in the world of the arts. Just as a sculptor can bring a block of marble or other material to life, the same holds true for a piece of wood in the hands of a skilled woodworker. So let’s explore some of the best ways to learn the ancient skill of woodworking.


Tip #1 Begin by Learning Important Safety Protocols


Want to learn woodworking?

It is important that we discuss safety before moving on to any discussion. Like many skills, woodworking can be dangerous, especially for amateurs.


Following safety protocols is a must and for woodworking beginners, it is vital to have an experienced woodworker help you gain familiarity with the machines used and the safety protocols for the use of those machines. It is also important to note that working with manual, non-electric tools is often a safer alternative for woodworking newbies than using power tools. Summed up, proceed with caution when learning!


Tip #2 Read Easy to Use Books and E-Books on Woodworking


Learning woodworking can be very exciting and there are many ways to begin the journey. Books, including e-books, can be a great place to begin familiarizing oneself with the basics of woodworking. Many books have blueprints and plans for woodworking projects.


Woodworking books for beginners, such as Woodworking for the Serious Beginner by Pamela Philpott-Jones and Paul L. McClure and The Everything Woodworking Book: A Beginner’s Guide to Creating Great Projects From Start to Finish by Jim Stack are two good examples of woodworking books for beginners, but there are many others.

Can You Learn Woodworking? 5 Steps to Success

Woodworking Basics-Mastering the Essentials of Craftsmanship-An Integrated Approach with Hand and Power Tools by Peter Korn and Your First Workshop: A Practical Guide to What You Really Need (Getting Started in Woodworking) by Aime Fraser are two other excellent examples of easy to read guides for woodworking beginners.


Tip #3 Watch YouTube-A Free Guide to Endless Woodworking Tutorials


There are plenty of other options for woodworking beginners beyond books. The Internet is rich in woodworking tutorials and tips. From websites to YouTube videos there exists no shortage of ways to learn more about woodworking. Video sites, such as YouTube, are particularly valuable and useful for newbies.


When it comes to woodworking, seeing actual examples from experienced woodworkers can be rather valuable and time saving. If you are looking to “hit the ground” running with your woodworking, then watching videos is an excellent step to take. Woodworking tutorials are plentiful on YouTube, are easily accessed and are also free. In short, you just can’t beat the price of YouTube’s woodworking video tutorials and information videos.


Two good woodworking series on YouTube come from The Wood Whisper and Steve Ramsey’s Get Started in Woodworking. Ramsey, in fact, has numerous basic woodworking videos.


Tip #4 Visit Woodworking Websites



Also available online are numerous websites that are rich in woodworking information. A couple of good examples of helpful woodworking websites include Bob Villa’s website, and’s Woodworking site.


About’s Woodworking site includes a range of helpful articles including Safety Rules Every Woodworker Should Know, Top 10 Hand Tools Every Woodworker Needs, Top 7 Power Tools Every Woodworker Should Have, Woodworking Machines, Selecting Lumber for Your Woodworking Projects, The Easy Way to Check for Square and many other articles.


Make.Com Might Just Be Your First Stop


At, you’ll find articles on Understanding Basic Woodworking Tools, which is a great place to begin if you feel completely lost and want to know where to begin; this quick tutorial of woodworking basics is a great option for amateur woodworkers. The bottom line is that there are more woodworking articles and tips online that most people could ever read.


Tip #5 Try Some Fun and Easy Woodworking Projects


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Once you have woodworking basics under your belt, you might want to check out sites like The Saw Guy has little gems like the 27 Easiest Woodworking Projects for Beginners, which is packed with basic woodworking projects for newbies to cut their woodworking teeth on. You’ll find everything from a Rustic Candle Holder and a Wooden iPad Dock to a wood rack and a simple table over at The Saw Guy.


Learning Woodworking Has Never Been Easier


Today, thanks to the Internet there exists an abundance of free advice, knowhow, ideas, tutorials and instructional videos on woodworking. Learning the valuable and ancient skill of woodworking has never before in history been this easy or this fun. If you have always wanted to learn how, then now the best time. So don’t wait, instead discover woodworking for yourself.

Carpenter marking a measurement on a wooden plank

Experienced woodworkers will tell you that there is no greater feeling than building something wonderful, beautiful and useful with your own hands. Instead of buying an item like a table, why not learn to build your own table? The time investment you make in learning woodworking will be well rewarded.




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